This friday, exactly 6 months after announcing the initiative and conducting an expert cocreation workshop at the January 2010 edition of Amsterdam Fashion Week, I was back at the wonderful AIFW venue at Westergasfabriek for another presentation.
Friday is generally known as 'business day' because many sponsors and trade organisations take the opportunity to combine business with pleasure, i.e. organise a meeting strategically around 4PM on Friday, after which they hit the bar to mingle with fashionistas and visit the 1800 show at the main venue.
This season, I was very happy to see a 'Bright Green' theme shine through; t the first Green Fashion initiative (a coop between Fashion Week and the Ministry of Agriculture to promote biodiversity through innovative design) was launched by our friend Kentroy Williams (of Intoxica fame).
Unfortunately i could not attend, because i had been invited by the ABN AMRO Young Bankers association to present our House of Denim initiative. The Young Bankers were very interested, especially because it combines sustainability with passion and it aims to strengthen the Amsterdam denim business.
I also took the opportunity to present ABN Amro Bank's CFO Jan van Rutten with our House of Denim scarf - and urged him to spread the word to all the industry bigwigs he meets. He promised he would do so...
While many learned professors have abandoned hope of ever discovering the truth behind real estate expert Amsterdam , I for one feel that it is still a worthy cause for examination. I find my self constantly drawn back to the subject of real estate expert Amsterdam. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, several of todays most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognising its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning real estate expert Amsterdam by so called 'babies', trapped by their infamous history. With the primary aim of demonstrating my considerable intellect I will now demonstrate the complexity of the many faceted issue that is real estate expert Amsterdam.